Re: Away Mode
I did a search and do not see more recent entries than this one, so referencing.
Let's face it, most of us that have security cameras also have alarm systems and home automation. An alarm system obviously knows when you are home or away based on arming, and automation systems are commonly aware as well either through an integration with the alarm, or though other means. But both understand your state and behave accordingly.
A set of simple features around state of home or away would be very helpful on the security camera front. As noted in the original post, the ability to suppress recording while the owner is home is one. I would be more interested in only receiving alerts if I am not home. I don't need to receive a notification if I walk through the yard. If everyone's schedule was consistent every day perhaps you could schedule around this, but with work from home and flexibility, its all over the place for many of us.
So the ability to suppress recording or notifications based on state is a feature I would ask be considered. I do get there are many home automation platforms out there, and support for all not be realistic. There are probably three of four main ones - Hubitat is what I use myself.
Alternatively, use geofencing in the app. If you are within a certain radius of your home address, suppress, and re-enable when you exit. Yes this is not perfect from a family perspective, where all may not have the app, but its perhaps a start? Even an API call ( is there an API?) that these external automation systems could use to suppress or enable to support state would be great.

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Home or Away Aware Please