I bought 4x of the ReoLink Duo 2 WiFi cameras about 6 weeks ago. I was finally able to set them all up on my network about 2 weeks ago, which uses a Frontier Arris router and TP-Link Deco.
Initially, I had the router and the Deco working kindof side-by-side, so they had different subnets. To get them to work, I had to use static IP addresses, but they worked fine.
One day shortly after I had it all setup, all four cameras just flat-out quit working. All of them.
After some debugging I figured I'd bite the bullet, buy another switch and put the Deco in front of the entire network (as it's prob supposed to be setup anyways).
One of them I can't get to do anything, I presume that one is defective, so I'll leave that one where it is.
The rest of them, I got squared away and now I can find the cameras fine on LAN. I reset them all numerous times, rebooted them all numerous times.
I can set up, view feeds, see on the Windows Desktop client, see on mobile client over wifi, everything...
I unplug the network cable and nada. I have plugged into numerous different network ports throughout the house. LAN always works. WiFi always fails.
I have enabled all the different protocols in the cameras.
I believe all my settings in the Deco are as open as they can be.
I have tried to connect to the guest network to no avail.
One thing I noticed is that AFTER resetting, I went into the network settings and I found that it looked like the WiFi connection remained? Does that mean it remembers your WiFi password even after a reset?
I only ask b/c I know I originally had a static IP on the prior setup and even though it is now working on DHCP, could it possibly be trying to use a static IP on the WiFi even though DHCP is working on the LAN?
This is very vexing, especially since the entire house should all now be on a single subnet.
I also tried connecting to the Frontier Arris router outside the Deco and if I do that via LAN, I can connect fine. If I connect to the Frontier's Arris WiFi, it still doesn't work.
I can't fathom how these things all just quit working at the exact same time. No power outages, nothing. Nothing else in the house that uses either WiFi or LAN has had any issues.
And now, I have 3 WiFi cameras that ONLY work on LAN and one that does nothing at all, DOA.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
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ReoLink Duo 2 WiFi - Won't work on WiFi?