Trying to connect to third party IOS viewer
The Reolink site says that it supports remote viewing with IP Cam Viewer (iphone) but I cant seem to get my Reolink 410
to connect. No problem with other manufactures cameras connecting with this app. Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks -
If you do port forwarding on your router then you can access the camera from remotely via the App.
Unfortunately I cannot see and change http-port of my Argus 2.
How to do this?
I want to integrate my Argus 2 in my iOS App "IP Cam Viewer" from Robert Chou -
Please note that Argus 2 is only compatible with Reolink App and Client. It is not like the other Reolink cameras because it is battery-powered. Guess Mr. Robert Chou doesn't have battery management with his “IP Cam Viewer” App? LoL.