Help needed - Argus2 WLAN change impossible - no voice message at camera reset
Hi everyone,
I have a prob with my Argus2 which I want to use at my home now.
It was installed at another WLAN but connection was not possible for some days, so I decided to take the camera to my place, charge the battery and setup the camera with my WLAN at home.
I get a green light at the battery which shows it is fully loaded but when I try to connect to the camera after I scanned the QR code of the cam nothing happens. Even pushing the reset button does not make the camera talk at all.
I wonder if the camera is dead and needs to be replaced.
I only have one battery, so I cannot try another battery on the camera.
Should the camera make any sound when the battery is connected? Should there be a led lit on the front when I insert the full battery?
I only have one Argus2, so I have no chance to compare the behavior with a working camera.
Thanx a lot for your help. I also contacted support alredy but did not get a reply yet.
Dee -
Hi Ricky, please refer to Learning the working mode and the LED status on the Reolink Argus/Argus Pro/Argus 2 to check the working status.
Hi Carl,
thank you very much for your reply and your suggestion.
As usual I was looking for the problem on my side, but in this case the camera was defective. It stopped working without any change of network or setup just by itself. I took the camera home to test it, but it had an intermittend occuring problem.
I received a replacement which is working fine.
Best greetings