PTZ - RLC423
1. It would be good that PTZ camera can motion detect in monitored area while using the pan/tilt/zoom (Cruise Path) of the camera, but do not give an alert if you only use the camera’s pan/tilt/zoom (cruising speed) and there is no motion in the monitored area. If it is too difficult to do, then at least to have-
2. the possibility to disable motion while the camera is moving (cruising speed), but detecting motion while the camera stays (Cruise Time) on cruise present point.
3. Possibility to on/off the alarm.
4 Possibility to assign more than one Cruise Path.
5. Possibility motion detect area setup for each cruise present point separately
6. Possibility to have same settings makings on Reolink Client and Android app - Cruising, Motion Detect setup... -
Hi audrdem,
We are revisiting this (or similar) requests recently.
Another thing, for now, to have exact same settings for Reolink App and client seems not realistic because Reolink App has more limited space to accommodate all the settings/options featured by Reolink Client.
But you may have noticed that Reolink App has more features added to it than ever before. And we will continue to do so (but without making it too cumbersome and look untidy).
Another I'd like to mention is that- if a user pan/tilt/zoom the camera, the monitored areas will significantly keep changing. Then it's too hard for the camera to recognize a actual motion during the period. Anyway, I just want to let you know we are revisiting this part and all your thoughts are taken into our consideration. We sincerely thank you for your ideas~~ -
Hi Bob, - I don't see how I can set more than one cruise paths for the camera on the Reolink Client. Could you in pictures show a way to do it?
About Reolink App, at least it will very usefully to have the possibility to start/stop Cruise path.
"Another I’d like to mention is that- if a user pan/tilt/zoom the camera, the monitored areas will significantly keep changing. Then it’s too hard for the camera to recognize a actual motion during the period." So I wrote about it in my second suggestion " If it is too difficult to do, then at least to have-
2. the possibility to disable motion while the camera is moving (cruising speed), but detecting motion while the camera stays (Cruise Time) on cruise present point."
Thank for your effort. -
Hi, the following requests will be forwarded to assess and likely to be added as new features.
1. Option to start/stop cruise through Reolink App.
2. Option to switch off Motion Detection temporarily during the process you pan/tilt/zoom the camera.
We'll start with these changes and see what the customers feedback would be.
Thank you all. -
Thanks Bob,
You wrote: "2. Option to switch off Motion Detection temporarily during the process you pan/tilt/zoom the camera." I don't mean that. I mean while cruise is on, that will be auto possibility to switch Motion Detection temporarily the process while camera (not I self) pan/tilt/zoom.
Thanks Bob for your effort. -
The two requests mentioned are still pending. We are sorry about that.