@reolink-fiona Based on the error I received, I'm guessing it was a file size limitation that is significantly lower than it should be. Seeing as I'm able to post this screenshot by pasting...
The point is, things are not intuitive, don't work, or don't have reasonable limitations... Instead of providing work-arounds (which may not even work, as is the case with the image upload...), fix the underlying issues.
The key to happy customers is to fix the things that are reported broken, not to suggest unintuitive or inconvenient alternatives.

Posts made by devon
RE: Search and Image Submissions Don't Work
Search and Image Submissions Don't Work
Scenario 1
In an effort to find help in getting my new Reolink Go PT to work with my T-Mobile SIM I was attempting to search the community forums.
Problem 1
Community Header Search Doesn't Work for Guests
Log out and browse to the community index page.
Type a search term in the search bar at the top of the page and hit <Enter>.
Expected Behavior
Show relevant search results or redirect to a login screen (though having to login is less desirable)
Actual Behavior
Form is submit to another page with the search terms in the query parameters but is then immediately redirected to the community homepage without any search terms.
Problem 2
Community Search Doesn't Work for Logged-in Users
Setup 1
Log in as a registered user
Go to https://community.reolink.com/search and enter a search term
Press Search
Setup 2
Log in as a registered user
Go to https://community.reolink.com/search and enter a search term
Set categories to all, include children
Press Search
Expected Behavior
The page should show search results matching the provided search criteria
Actual Behavior
No search results are found, even when searching for something that you can manually verify does exist such as the word "camera" in post titles.
Scenario 2
After failing to be able to search the community forums for help I decided to share my struggles and upload a screenshot of my "Advanced Search" search terms and lack of results.
Problem 3
Registered & Logged-in Users are Unable To Attach Images
Register and log in as a user
Create a new post and upload/paste an image into the post's body
Press Submit
Expected Behavior
The post will be published containing the added image.
Actual Behavior
The submission fails stating "request entity too large"
Other Information
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro
Browser: Google Chrome (Version 100.0.4896.127)
AdBlocker: Ublock Origin
AdBlocker Status: Same outcome when enabled and disabled.