RLC-823A Returns to monitoring point after 10 seconds of not panning
Hello. I recently installed an entire home CCTV system. I have the RLC-823A as my main driveway camera that auto-tracks and records all of my main activity. I have an issue that the camera will be in the middle of recording motion and move back to its monitoring point. I have the “auto return to monLearn More -
Rlc823a loses auto tracking
The rlc 823a loses you at auto tracking when you run, which is useless if the thief runs quickly when near. The Trackmix is better at it. Will it be fixed with a firmware update?Learn More -
No auto-tracking immediately after PTZ drive
Hello, I have 3 Trackmix Wifi. I have a big problem with all of them: When I approach a PTZ point, the "auto-tracking" function only works after about 10 seconds. That's a problem because I mounted the cameras on the corner of each building, then let the camera rotate using an external motion detectLearn More -
PTZ, Monitor Points, Auto Tracking, and Gears
This post is about Reolink PTZ cameras in general and the E1 Outdoor cameras in particular. It is a little long but I have some specific questions at the end. Over the past 7 months I purchased 3 E1 OD cams. Over time I found that they could not reliably return to the monitoring point (MP) after paLearn More