Yesterday, I needed to review footage from the previous 30 minutes. All I got was a blank screen. I wound the timeline back until I got playback. I had to go back to the previous hour before anything showed up. Does this NVR batch process to index the footage and allow playback? If not, why am I not able to view footage from past recent minutes?
It goes without saying that the ability to review footage immediately after it is captured, especially in an emergency is essential.
Is this "the way it is" or do I have a fault? If it is "the way it is", then this needs to be addressed and fixed urgently.
NVR Playback delay
Yesterday, I needed to review footage from the previous 30 minutes. All I got was a blank screen. I wound the timeline back until I got playback. I had to go back to the previous hour before anything showed up. Does this NVR batch process to index the footage and allow playback? If not, why am I not able to view footage from past recent minutes?
It goes without saying that the ability to review footage immediately after it is captured, especially in an emergency is essential.
Is this "the way it is" or do I have a fault? If it is "the way it is", then this needs to be addressed and fixed urgently. -
Do you set up the cameras to record 24/7 to NVR or record only when motion is detected?
For the first case, if 1 hour video is one package, for example, then you may not find the video before the package finishes recording.
For the second case, once the motion video is recorded completely, you are able to find it in playback. -
I use 24/7 into the NVR. If I understand your response, by using the NVR, I cannot playback the previous hour! Is this a setting that can be changed?
If not, it's crazy that one cannot review recent footage. In an emergency, it could be imperative to be able to rapidly review previous minutes.
If this is the case and it's not user configurable, can we get an urgent firmware upgrade to address this?
David -
It should playback the previous video without issue, whether you could send the email to, the tech support would contact you soon about it, thank you!