Solved Flying Insect Problem
One of my biggest disappointments with Reolink's RLC cameras is how flying insects are attracted to the IR LED's and trigger motion events. Up close to the camera lens, a bug appears to be BIG and BRIGHT (totally white). Have to turn off email notifications because insects generate hundreds. SD card fills up quickly. I deal with it a bit by FTPing files and using a script to erase any file that has only one second of motion. Personally, it seems to me that the camera firmware could be programmed to (a) ignore any motion less than a certain number of seconds, or (b) ignore motion caused by something so bright. I fear that Reolink doesn't actually create firmware for the cameras. Anyway, it doesn't look like any solution coming soon.
So.... I purchased a separate "IR illuminator" and mounted it about 8 feet away from the Reolink camera, but where it covered the same general area. Since my RLC-410WS cameras do not have software control of the IR LED's, I masked off the LED's with tape (leaving the light sensor at the bottom uncovered). Ta-Da! No more insect triggers.
There are dozens of inexpensive IR lights. Mine is a Tendlux purchased from Amazon for $20. I read an interesting review of the light on a web site: I figured, "what's the down side?" For $20 I can see what happens. Turns out it worked.
Is this the solution for everyone? Don't know. For me, I was able to increase the nighttime sensitivity and now record the cats, possums, etc. who come through that part of the yard. But NO FLYING INSECTS. -
What are the odds. I was looking for a solution to this very problem today and figured I would mask off the IR camera lights and install a seperate IR illuminator some distance away. I was seeing hundreds of emails each morning due to bugs.
completely agree, although i do not have so much of a insect problem, there is a very big problem i think with not being able to turn off the ir leds for this camera. masking it off does work, but it is so ghetto, and just bs. the leds should be bale to be turned off with still allowing the camera to stray in ir mode, there is just no reason not to have that as a feature.
I have ordered three of the IR lights "Crimp on" mentioned. Thanks for that. My cameras are still in warranty so will have to tape off the IR lights. But once they are out of warranty, I will open the camera and disconnect them. I worry about heat build up from the covered lights in the summer. I am ordering additional cameras during the 11.11 sale and they will be 5MP models with the IR off switch.