Here's a great idea.
Instead of having to google what changed in the newest version,
Put a link on the download page with the download to the release notes and change log. This is very simple.
Also, please make all previous versions (within reason last 30+) available.
Your software has so many bugs so im kinda tired keeping your archive of versions on my pc.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
copy the link
@user_787243098198190_787243098198190 firmware updates do have a change log, but yes pc client does not.
send your request through to support. More that do that, more likely it will be implemented.
At this point, each new client I email support asking for the change log and re-request for them to update the website. -
@user_787243098198190_787243098198190 Long time no chat. Have your issues been sorted out?
I have been telling them this for years. Rather than having to look for each camera in the download center I just look at the release on https : // github . com / AT0myks / reolink-fw-archive/releases . I can't put a simple link on this website.
Thank you for posting this link to the archive of firmware releases. I recently installed a new RLC-810WA and every time I check for new firmware, the Windows Client claims what came on the camera was "the latest". The Archive showed newer firmware. And.... a check of the (horrible) Download page confirmed that there is new firmware.
Such a disappointment to have to go through this. (sigh)Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
copy the link
@crimp-on_62210811129 We have a phrase but cannot write it as I will be banned. So simple....few seconds to add it to release history. We are in 2025. So imagine if the code is not commented. The outcome is instability if more than one is working on it.
My colleague has TAPO and when there is a new fw the client prompts a window informing him whether to update or not. And this is from the Android client. This can easily be implemented by letting the client check for newer fw say once every week...in the background. This is all software. No Phd is needed.
I have an RLC811WA and I observed that when there are tcp retransmission packets the audio stops and you see frames freeze when viewing in clear mode. I told them that in video and audio the norm is to use UDP even on local networks.. For this you see that the bit rate shown on the Android client varies. I think they need to revise the network services on this camera. I have a Trackmix a few meters away and it works better. Compared to the RLC511WA, the RLC811WA has lower vertical FOV. It seems that newer cameras have lower vertical FOV. I dont think it is a sensor issue. Moreover the clip magnifier on the RLC811WA doesn't work on any client. I told them but has never been fixed.
Have the release notes and change log on the download page with the download
Here's a great idea.
Instead of having to google what changed in the newest version,
Put a link on the download page with the download to the release notes and change log. This is very simple.
Also, please make all previous versions (within reason last 30+) available.
Your software has so many bugs so im kinda tired keeping your archive of versions on my pc. -
Thank you for posting this link to the archive of firmware releases. I recently installed a new RLC-810WA and every time I check for new firmware, the Windows Client claims what came on the camera was "the latest". The Archive showed newer firmware. And.... a check of the (horrible) Download page confirmed that there is new firmware.
Such a disappointment to have to go through this. (sigh)