+1 on poe input. Could be done via some mini terminal connector or something similar to nest and ecobee thermostats. Im trying to declutter my wireless network full of wyze + google assistant devices that force users to use wifi.
Hi @Reolink-Fiona, Any "appetizers" of the design & UI that you can show us yet?
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We don't have the completed product photo to show now. Here is a sketch of the doorbell on our roadmap. You can have a look. -
@reolink-fiona Looking good. From my perspective the following are desirable:-
Feed to NVR via PoE to avoid having to provide outside wireless in a solid stone household.
2 way voice comms
Head to toe coverage
Person and vehicle AI
Built in light (perhaps IR as well as Led?)
Internal sounder as we don't all run Alexa etc.
Push button for caller
Think that's it. Can't wait.
Feature requests:
- Home Assistant compatible
- Blue Iris compatible
- No cloud needed
-Head to Toe is a MUST!
-Pre roll would be very nice as well
-Apple HomeKit
I wouldn't want to see subscriptions. I would rather pay more for the device than have a monthly sub.
By the way, are you looking at a Q3/Q4 release or it will be next year? I haven't bought a doorbell yet and I will hate myself if I buy one soon and then you release it.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@mutulix_520219911262397 @nyresidencyplanning_520347154579678
The doorbell is estimated to be available in Q3. When there is any news, I will make an announcement! Thank you for your support. -
@reolink-fiona Any need for an alpha/beta tester? I'd be happy to be a guinea pig for testing and feedback!
nyresidencyplanning last edited by nyresidencyplanning_520347154579678 Apr 10, 2022, 5:20 PM Apr 10, 2022, 12:24 AM
I'm trying to decide between going all Reolink or all Ubiquiti. Reolink having a doorbell would probably push me over towards Reolink for sure. Especially since Ubiquiti's doorbell needs a very awkward adapter to use PoE.
I echo what everyone else has requested.
But also wanted to add:
-make sure it's data over PoE and not just PoE powered and still needed Wifi
-24/7 recording
-Still able to use the normal chime even using PoE as power/data source
-make the device (or have an adapter plate) fit over a single-gang box since most new builds that have PoE doorbell will come with Ring Elite. It would be great to not have to patch drywall.
-there definitely needs to be a light surrounding the doorbell button and it'd be a nice touch to have a downward facing light that turns on with motion.
-metal body or at least very good plastic build quality. Nothing worse than pressing on a doorbell and realizing the doorbell unit has some give and flexes or moves in any way.
Also, based on the roadmap picture, it would be nice if the logo was not so prominent. Ideally it'd have no visible logo or have the logo in a less conspicuous spot. Right smack in the middle isn't a very good look. If that's the final look of the doorbell, it's essentially a clone of the new Google Doorbell. Google can get away with the logo positioned there because it's just the "G" logo and it's the same color as the body so it's very minimal. Having it say "Reolink" in that space in a contrasting color would be pretty tacky.
Is there an estimated time of release? Reading through this thread it looks like it's been pushed back a bit if it was originally going to be April-May? Any chance it happens before end of summer?
Thanks! -
I don’t known if it was already mentioned but HomeKit Video Secure support would be amazing.
This post is deleted! -
Hi There
Please look into- POE - even dual band WiFi is not that helpful due to locations of WiFi most houses. POE is a definitive requirement
- ONVIF support for the NVR / BlueIrirs
- Head to Toe Video / dual cameras
- Angled placement
- Chime / Chimes - POE/WiFi
- RLC 1212a camera sensor
- 2 way talk mic/speaker quality
- Looks matter - Face plate, button and light
- Integration with Amazon Alexa / Google Home / Apple Homekit to display video on bell ring
Thanks - await the news from here... -
What is the latest timeline for releasing this doorbell camera product? - long time coming, but not much in recent months regarding availability
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@seanbmah_414814205931759 It will come in the second half of the year. Thank you so much for your waiting! We will keep the latest news for you.
@seanbmah_414814205931759 It will come in the second half of the year. Thank you so much for your waiting! We will keep the latest news for you.
How is it looking for a July release?
That's great!
It's probably a long shot, but Ubiquiti are preparing their new doorbell with fingerpint and nfc readers and would love to see similar product from Reolink. -
sheriff klein last edited by sheriff klein_192845688430788 Apr 26, 2022, 6:12 PM Apr 26, 2022, 6:00 PM
Hoping for more news and -even better- the product. Of course I understand that a lot of users like to have it PoE but I personally hope it supports WiFi. Or maybe it can be powered by the doorbell transformer
How about terminals to ring the current doorbell chime?
Lot of technology to fit into just a doorbell knob though
Good luck guys! -
You can put my vote in for the PoE option. It would be great to be able to run an Ethernet cable directly to my NVR. There's too much demand on my wifi as it is.
Would also like to see an anti-theft sound alarm in case somebody tries to knock off the doorbell and run away with it. -
Please ensure it’s a POE doorbell. If possible, please also support Ring and Doorbird POE doorbells which could plug directly into Reolink NVRs
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@boci-levu, kpb, While it would be nice if all brands were compatible with each other, many of them use proprietary firmware and cannnot be mixed together. It's Ring, not Reolink that controls this. Ring is firmly holding on to their system and their paid monthly subscriptions. I doubt they or some other companies will allow their cams to be used with competing brands. Some cams that use ONVIF and RTSP can be hooked up to other firmware like Blue Iris, etc. and other NVR systems. Some Reolink cams can do this. I've heard of Doorbird. I don't know much about them except they are really expensive, no thanks. There must be at least 15 or more companies that sell doorbell cams. I'm glad Reolink is making one. I heard it will be released in the the third or fourth quarter this year. With Covid and supply chain issues...patience.
OK guys, speed up!
Whole wiring is already in place, just waiting to hit the "purchase" button
Current doorbell malfunctioned again today, so it is really getting a hot topic here.
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OK guys, speed up!
Whole wiring is already in place, just waiting to hit the "purchase" button
Current doorbell malfunctioned again today, so it is really getting a hot topic here.
Me too!!!! New house has been built, wiring run blah blah blah! @Reolink-Fiona mentioned May, now it's later in the year.... you're killing us guys!
Check out the Announcements, the doorbell is open for trials!! They want 40 and over 900 have already applied.
Will there be a white color option for the doorbell? Will other colors be available?
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@jimmy-b There will be a white version in the future.
@reolink-fiona Hello Fiona, any update on a white version?
nivek retsel last edited by nivek retsel_503740308148405 Jun 21, 2022, 9:47 AM Jun 21, 2022, 9:37 AM
I agree with most of the comments here regarding a head to toe camera. I think you need to re-evaluate the aspect ratio on this camera, even if the sensor was just rotated 90 degrees it would be better with 140 degrees top to bottom. And if you placed a slightly wider angle lens on it then in my opinion the product would be far more usable. Even a fish eye lens can be corrected for in software with a lot of DVR programs being able to correct for this when displaying the picture.
Plus the product page as is, does not indicate how the non Poe version is to be powered... These details are only to be found from the product FAQ page - existing door bell power (12-24V AC or 24V DC).Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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Hi there, the product page will put all the specifications on the specification part of the product page soon.
For the non-PoE camera, you can use DC or AC power.- 24 VDC, 0.5A, 12W
- 12-24 VAC, 40VA max, 50/60Hz
we are about to set up a pedestrian gate and want to make allowances for the doorbell. Will be using wifi cloud for storage. What cables do we need to run to support power? Poe for injector or 240 volt line? About 5 m from house. Thanks
I think Reolink will loose a lot of sales without head to toe camera or this doorbell, especially as users of Reolink products want a supplementary camera to cover the immediate area of the front door especially since this is where packages are left. It's a pity that the whole camera module couldn't be made to be twistable by 90 degrees to be able to cater for people that wish to have wider horizontal or vertical formats. That would be a good compromise, as possibly the 140 degrees angle could almost be sufficient! However I suspect the camera is mounted directly to the main board and this wouldn't be possible without redesign!
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@nivek-retsel_503740308148405 Reolinkers have been asking for a doorbell camera for years. Finally one is coming. Months ago numerous Reolinkers posted want lists for doorbell camera features, including head to toe field of view. Reolink does listen and respond to feedback. It will be disappointing if Reolink doorbell does not have head to toe view. Maybe to keep price point down they settled for less view. I'm a big Reolink fan, own 12 Reolink cameras. I want to be able to see packages with a doorbell cam.
@mdunning_323765759099098 @nivek-retsel_503740308148405 @admgeo_136805241430192
Hi there, about the FOV, thank you for pointing out the shortage. I have discussed this with our product manager. We will keep collecting your request to better improve the doorbell product line.
Greetings Space Wanderers,
Does anyone know when the Doorbell Camera will actually be available to purchase?
I like the look and specifications shown, but need to fit mine in the next 3 weeks.
The Lorex Doorbell Camera looks to have similar specification, so I am wondering if anyone has any experience of Lorex, as I cannot wait forever for the Reolink Doorbell.
Any information would be much appreciated thanks.
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@casey1000_515180545573019 The doorbell will be estimated to be on pre-sale in August.
@Reolink-Fiona Will there be an option to add more than one chime to one doorbell? Or an option to receive the signal on a relay?
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@r-reolink_484846949159092 Yes, it can add more than one Chime to the doorbell.
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