Flash is Dead? Where is HTML5 Support?
I Just bought a setup, and been doing alot of reading. Most the posts ive seen are from early/mid 2018 saying that "next year" (2019) for HTML5 support. I would hope this is a #1 priority. As most browsers are now blocking Flash. I dont have my setup just yet. But just curious to if there has been any progress towards HTML5.
Sorry for the inconvenience. The flash will not be maintained or preserved soon. But it still can use. Our senior engineers are working on it and try to find a better way for this issue.
I will forward your suggestion to R&D engineers. It will take time to do it. You can make a subscription in the link below to know any update. https://reolink.campgn4.com/Subscribe-Us -
I am getting new pop up notices in Chrome that flash will no longer work after December 2020. I sure hope you guys are not going to wait to the last minute on fixing this problem.
I hope "Our senior engineers are working on it and try to find a better way for this issue" means that Reolink is going to implement HTML5 and not try to find a work around to keep flash going after it has been removed from main line browsers. The response sounds like the engineers are searching for a work-around. It's not an acceptable solution to force us to an old or unsupported browser version to "solve" this issue. Please fix this THE RIGHT WAY.
All of those suggestions have been collected and forwarded to our R&D team now. Indeed, HTML5 will be a new trend in the future. We will definitely fix this in the right way as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience in accessing our camera via the web browser. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
It is March 2020, where is HTML5 support? Suggesting people use adobe flash is a HUGE security risk and frankly embarrassing. HTML5 is not a "new trend in the future" it is a current reality. It is used by some 80% of websites and was created six years ago...
Yes. When will it be available? I keep getting reminders in Chrome that Flash is going away and do I want to disable Flash now. You'll have many unhappy customers if you think that you will require us to replace all of our cameras to get HTML5 support. We purchased cameras with your assurance that HTML5 was "coming."
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We are still developing the plugin to substitute the Adobe Flash Player for our cameras. And the update will be released before the Flash Player is ended. -
We need the HTML5 now!
Every software needs some debug time. If you release the HTML5
support by end of year, we will be doomed!
It takes at least 6 Months to get all the bugs out of the system.
I did not buy several cameras to be stuck by end of 2020 and
start all over again!
Do you mean that Reolink will NOT use HTML5 for video playback?
But a dirty plugin? -
Hi pascal, We have confirmed this issue with our engineers.
They are working to make reolink camera support HTML5. Please kindly wait for update from us.
Thanks! -
Good news! Thanks.
Great news.
The last response from Reolink occurred during April. It is now July and an update has yet to be provided. An update to this thread is deemed necessary as time is running out.
Sorry to have kept you waiting. Since the flash is available on Chrome in 2020. Our R&D team will develop the html5 late this year. : )
I'm not optimistic that they will get this done as promised by the end of the year. If they truly were planning on delivering this, they would be starting now. This is not a small epic.
It is now July 12, 2020 and 5-1/2 months left until the end of 2020. Is it possible to post any updates on your work on HTML5? Is it in Alpha or Beta testing at least or are you still "working on it"? When you say you'll develop it later this year do you think it will only take a few months to develop?
Just a quick reminder for Reolink.
Flash EOL was anouced 7 years ago, and few weeks before the end nothing is available.
I think, nobody should buy reolink anymore as it rely on this technology.
A "we're working on it" and a smiley is not enought.
Not speaking about systems that was never supporting flash. -
Hello, sorry for the inconvenience. Please don't worry,our R&D Team is working hard on it and they will make the html5 available at the end of this year. Please stay tuned! Your patience and understanding will be greatly appreciated.
I've read several threads in the reolink community asking the question since 2018 and everyone receives the same standard answer that "[your] engineers are working on it." I've seen this response in your forums as early as June of 2018. It seems you should be able to provide a bit more detail around where you are at with development rather than that generic answer or "[you] forwarded this to [your] engineers" given this late date for the end of adobe flash You now have 21 weeks and 6 days (153 days, 3,672 hours, 220,320 minutes) to develop the html5 version for your customers (that includes me) or adobe flash will be ended for the products we purchased from you. If it takes you over 2 years to develop something that uses html5 instead of adobe flash, your development curve is quite a bit slow for improvements or fixes to your products.
If you cannot develop an html5 version in time will you provide a refund to your customers? Can you answer with more details about your development of an html5 version rather than the normal spin of sooner or later? Can you provide any dates for a beta version of the html5 version? Can you tell there are a lot of frustrated people out there who are looking for answers rather than the non-answers you keep providing?
I, for one, will be requesting a refund if you cannot deliver any html5 code by years end and I would suggest that others do the same. This is ridiculous that you cannot develop anything in over 2 years!