• i have the original Argus. is there a way to change the video recording length to longer / shorter triggered by motion detect (PIR)? i realize this will affect battery consumption but i'm ok with that via USB powered. thanks!

  • Currently setting up PIR sensor areas is quite frustrating. There should be a way for the development team to build in a viewing grid that at least gives an approximate guide as to where the most optimized PIR sensor are is via the current viewing screen through the application. This would greatly i

  • Hi, I have the RLC-411WS and I am using the Reolink client on Max OSX. I have followed the instructions on how to set 24/7 recording using the client but it won't work, when on the playback tab there are no recordings to watch. I have set aside an entire hard drive for the Reolink client to use (It

  • I recently bought an Argus 2, which works great on the LAN. However, I need help with how to access it remotely. My other IP cameras I access by opening an OpenVPN connection to my home network. However, that does not seem to work with the Argus 2. Surely, there is a way? I am using the Reolink app

  • It would be great if my Argus 2 camera would have the ability to schedule periods of the day where the camera siren could be turned off (i.e. during the day, but on at night) during certain periods of the day. Right now it seems to be all or nothing. Thanks

  • I have looked all over and cant find this. What is the size of the hex wrench that comes with the cameras to adjust the screws? I lost al of mine and want to order a few.

  • Lately the video from my Keen camera is showing objects, like grass and trees as pink as if the camera is stuck in night vision mode. Doesn't matter what how sunny it is outside. It never used to do this. How can I fix this?

  • I bought an ARGUS 2 free wire camera. I got it yesterday and it looks great. I set it up very quickly without any problem. The only thing I can't manage to do is to set up the correct TIME of the camera. From the Settings of the camera (data/time) I did synchronize the camera with the phone time

  • Hi, Like the tittle says. I have been struggling for 4-5 hours with this. Plug the 410WS in a LAN cable NVR sees it fine. Connect to my WIFI network PC app sees it fine but NVR loses it and th NVR Devices tab shows connect failed. Support sayng the usual "reboot router", "connect NVR to router'. See

  • One of my cameras wasn't connected to my wifi. I figured the batteries had run down because they were old and I had some guys working in my yard right in front of the camera all day. I replaced the batteries and the camera would start talking to me and stop mid sentence. "reolink camera starting up.

  • I realize that these models do not have any software control to turn off the internal IR illuminators - but I want to install an external IR Illuminator and disable the internal IR lights to try and minimize spiders from obscuring my camera with their web's from chasing the bugs attracted to the IR

  • White random halo's when view night vision

  • Hello All, I was working with a friend that runs an IT company to initially setup my home NVR system with Reolink components. Unfortunately, he has become unresponsive lately and it's been very difficult to get any questions answered. I apologize as I just today discovered the forum and some of my

  • Hi everyone, I bought an Argus 2 and its solar panel 10 days ago and so far I very happy with it. I would almost recommend it for my condominio, but it lacks just one feature: direct wifi connection. We would like to position 4 to 6 cameras out of wifi range. We do not need live view or notification

  • I recently purchased a RLK8-410B4 kit. Every morning one of the outdoor 4MP cameras switches from Black & White to Color but the grass is pink instead of green. I have to reset the entire system to show the proper colors. 1-Night.jpg 2-Pink.jpg 3-Normal.jpg

  • Just installed my camera yesterday. Last night it was continually generating motion capture alerts. There were artifacts that I think are internal reflections related to the IR LEDs that were responsible.It isn't insects. I've set it for 2560 x 1440 resolution, 60 Hz anti-flicker, auto-exposure, aut

  • I have a RLC-410S. I was able to take out the 16gb SD card and replace it with 64gb. (I know I know I voided warranty). However the new SD card is not reflecting in the mobile app or the desktop software? Any advice?

  • Hi I was wondering where I could find info on the size of screwdrivers to use for installation for the RLC-410 poe cameras and the RLC-410 WS camera? The workplace I'm at has some cameras already set up but would like to move them. None of the tools I have fit so I need to go by some and I want to m

  • Videos are not properly playing on Android devices. Play fine on Window computer. How do I select either Fluent or Clear for Android? On the Windows computer in Playback there is a choice at the bottom left of the page. For Android the only mention of Clear or Fluent is in Quality but no option to s

  • I've got a 410POE and a 410 Wireless. Both FTP to my computer. Neither produce usable files. The first few seconds work, then they glitch and fail to play. Copied files to 2 other computers with the same result. I really need to get this working. Both cameras are on the latest firmware. Thanks for a

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