Hi guys!
The Client (PC software) v.8.8.5 is now available! You can download the Client v.8.8.5 now via the Reolink download center: http://bit.ly/3yMUuI1
What's more! We have turned on the auto upgrade feature for your Reolink Client. We use the grayscale release strategy so that the update time will differ in different regions. Just like the Reolink App, it simply means it takes some time to arrive in your Client software.
What's New:
1. Added update notes on the "About Reolink" page.
Click the version number and then you can see the updated notes.
2. Added information security notices.
3. Added Night Mode Focus Enhancement for RLC-823A 16X.
4. Added the Image Layout Settings for fisheye cameras.
The layout setting is different from the APP. In the Client expansion mode, you can only view the five-split mode of the fisheye camera.
5. Added a switch for the doorbell button sound.
6. Supports Reolink TrackMix LTE Plus + Reolink Solar Panel Plus.
What's Improved:
1. Improved the logic of switching stream types in live view and playback.
2. Improved the options in the doorbell status LED setting.
3. Improved the interfaces of the "Date & Time" page.
4. Improved filters for recordings:
Separating smart detection events ("Others") from "Any Motion" events.
5. Improved display of device status:
When the NVR goes offline, its channel name in the device list will go dark.
6. Linked the pre-alarm function to the switch of the siren
When the siren is off, the pre-alarm function will be automatically off; when the siren is on, the pre-alarm function will be automatically on.
7. Improved the device initialization process and the WiFi configuration process.
8. Improved the image display of fisheye cameras FE-P/FE-W
The images of their playback and live view, the thumbnail image of playback, and the image for time-lapse will keep the original ratio.
9. Improved download function:
When the channel names are the same, the channels will not be merged into one option in the download window. Even when the channel names are the same, the channels will be shown separately in the download window.
10. Allows you to select and download recordings by different channels of the camera.
Tell me in the comment if you have any problems.
Updated: Thank you for all your feedback. The function to remember the stream mode will be fixed in the next version. And we will have the new framework in the future Client version to fix the freeze issues.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@reolink-fiona New version does not allow for high resolution playback, how do I get the old version back?
Hi, you can change the playback to high resolution (clear) by selecting the badge bottom left of the timeline next to the camera name. It has 2 settings "High - Clear" and "Low - Fluent"
Downloading freezes/stops when downloading multiple videos. The download freezing first started occurring for me in windows client 8.8.2. It was fixed in the beta version 8.10.0-Beta. It was back to freezing again in the 8.8.4 version, and is still not fixed and freezing now in the latest 8.8.5 version.
I record everything at night and download the videos the next morning. I select a time range of 0:00 AM to 7:00AM and start downloading about 210 videos at low resolution. It never makes it to the last video and freezes. I need to quit and close the client.
I went back to the 8.10.0-Beta version ... again.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@john_350143387672724 Did you happen to save the older version on your hard drive or is there someplace I can download the old version, the update does not allow for higher resolution Streaming on the playback for some reason
Saved them to my hard drive. Copied some of the old versions to my dropbox if you want them. They'll only be available a couple of days.https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0cn8wc9pndbzhtithun75/h?dl=0&rlkey=7z88v0n8k05ncx4am8qm87f4a
This version has problem!
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@mamymam2013_465350299701478 Could you tell me what problem do you meet?
@mamymam2013_465350299701478 Could you tell me what problem do you meet?
Find my post and read it, but there are many post about problems with windows last version also android and ios version. Next time test well the programs before publish it!
Same issue as before. Client locks at random times. 8.10 beta wasn't perfect; but I could display 4 feeds without it locking up. I can't display my 12 cameras at once without issues on any of the clients.
Might be time to go back to HikVision. -
Even the web interface is fucked up and saying shit about current device wont support video streaming in clear mode. LOL
I'm having an issue where this update now doesn't format any SD cards in all of my camera's. It'll state that formatting is successful but when I go back into any camera the previous recordings are still there.
The only way I can format them now is to use my phone's android app.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@cukeuk_281972491747486 Hi there, I have reported your issue to the engineer for further check. You can also submit a request here, Submit a request – Reolink Support.
cukeuk @Reolink Fiona last edited by cukeuk_281972491747486 Mar 22, 2023, 8:42 AM Mar 22, 2023, 8:41 AM
@cukeuk_281972491747486 Hi there, I have reported your issue to the engineer for further check. You can also submit a request here, Submit a request – Reolink Support.
Thanks for doing this...
Upgraded this morning and the 8.8.5 update on a Mac has very poor resolution.
I tried changing the settings on the cameras, but it doesn't help.
The cameras still look good on Android. -
Upgraded today and with all 9 of my E1Zooms, when in the live view, they all default to Fluent.
With the previous version once you'd right-clicked in the live view to set each of them to Clear, it remembered that change. But this new version doesn't remenber that change? So when you change to view a different camnera and then come back to the first one, its back in low-res Fluent mode again, not Clear.
So how do you set the default to be Clear, all the time?Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@jonathanrsearle_443340465139842 This is a known issue and hopefully it shall be resolved in the next upgrade.
@joseph-chircop_497308027822318 If it's a known issue, then why are they knowingly releasing new clients with the same issues over and over?
Download works but upgrade option failed. NOTICED ALL MY CAMERAS INCLUDING DOORBELL seemed to not be clear
even after having to reset to CLEAR.
WHY DID THE RESOLUTION SEEMED TO NOT BE AS GOOD even after rechecking for clear?
How does one drop back to previous version since I did not save older download.
CATCH WHO IS AT DOOR BEFORE THEY ARE GONE.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@robert-stein_219110424309923 after downloading and installing 8.8.4 without uninstalling 8.8.5, i see 8.8.4.is running but resolution now
access same too slow to catch someone at door by the time the app connects as is. HIGHLY RECOMMEND PUTTING DOORBELL IN
app is acceptable and not pulled down with other cameras in it.
Upgraded last nite, playback no longer has high resolution. Time to go back to an older version.
I just upgraded this Client program to my table top computer (Mac) to version v8.8.5, (OS 10.13.6 HighSierra).
After that live and playback views became poor resolution. Before update they were sharp.
In laptop computer and Anroid phone views are still sharp (I don't updated it yet).
I'd like sharp view back.
What can I do?
Camera reolink GO, software is v1.0.268.00. -
In live mode all cameras reverts to low resolution, from high or balanced, when i change view and/or active camera. -
This post is deleted! -
I am sticking with 8.7.2, the only one that gives me the least of problems, especially with slow downloading on ethernet connected cameras. Go figure. All above 8.7.2 give massive problems. Don't even know where to start . LOL...
Using on Windows Tablet, windows PC and a macbook.Reply QuoteShare0- Share this Post
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@edwin_514841036439802 Hi. Where do I find version 8.7.2?
Version 8.8.5 is a disaster. It doesn't always show replays, MP4 downloads do not play in Windows 11 (clip length 00:00:00 - seriously??), dependencies with other cameras (like, if cam1 triggers, cam2 should trigger as well) is very inconsistent, etc etc.
Thanks -
@vve_678585705922807 Can you report your issues to Reolink support? I am using Win version 8.8.5 on Win 10 and the only issue I have is that it doesn't store the resolution selected for each camera.
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