9 Aug 2022, 00:45

Installed early this morning and I'm very happy with the changes made to auto tracking. My camera overlooks a road, and the old firmware would often lose track of the faster cars. This firmware looks like it is almost measuring the speed of the objects now, and even though it waits until the object is near the edge, it seems to snap over faster to where it thinks the car will be to keep it in frame. Much improved on that front so thanks! A few more points:

  1. Not dark yet so I haven't tested out the IR fix .
  2. I use my 823A with Blue Iris and Blue Iris is no longer recording audio. Audio is enabled on the camera, and audio is being recorded by the camera on the SD card, but not in Blue Iris when it used to. Were there any changes made at all with audio in this firmware version?
  3. I need to run some tests on tracking objects that come close to walking under the camera. The old firmware wasn't very good at that (looking downwards), so I hope to see some improvement with this hopefully as well.

Nice job, and thanks again!